Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Change Management
Cui Prodest facilitates clients’ use of evaluation, analysis and findings to inform strategy, improve program effectiveness, be accountable to stakeholders, and support organizational learning. Our expertise provides a range of services in monitoring, evaluation, applied political economy analysis, due diligence support, oversight of program development and ongoing technical guidance throughout the implementation of program activities.
Each of our analytical products present detailed descriptions of the robust methodology used for data collection and analysis, findings that are linked to quality evidence, and well-written and documented presentation of results. Our mixture of quantitative and qualitative monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) methodologies as well as longitudinal, experimental, quasi-experimental surveys provide clients with actionable insights to improve the design and implementation of the new generation of global programs.
The Cui Prodest team is deeply versed in political economy analysis; we meticulously thread the needle, mapping how decisions are made in sectors, organizations or places. We analyze the interaction of political and economic processes in a society, including the distribution of power and wealth between different groups and individuals, and the processes that create, sustain and transform these relationships over time.

Cui Prodest maintains expansive networks of elected officials, civic society and religious leaders, and local researchers to ensure our work is informed by a deep understanding of local culture, relationships, language, social and political dynamics.
Cui Prodest’s has expertise in:
Political Economy Analysis
Strategic Planning
Comprehensive Program Evaluations and Assessments
Gender, Youth and Marginalized Population Assessments and Action Plans
Analyses of Sectors and Geographically-Specific Areas
Performance Monitoring, Indicator Identification and Results Frameworks
Applied Research and Design
Collaborative Learning