Governance, Accountability, Civil Society
Cui Prodest strengthens accountability and improves government performance by providing technical advice, strategic guidance, and support to public institutions, the private sector, and civil society as active partners. We empower local partners to help build their skills, systems and institutions that are representative, accountable and resilient. Our approach to governance recognizes that both the demand and supply for good governance is necessary to provide services and foster engagement and trust between citizens and their government.
Our approach to good governance involves the active participation of local organizations and private sector partners early in the design process. We know first-hand the importance of integrating local voices and drawing upon their strong implementation capacities. Working with local partners can be challenging because they may lack the internal accounting and legal expertise needed to partner with USAID, MCC and other U.S. international development agencies. Our team has worked in more 50 countries and has decades of grant-making and partnering experience; we know how to provide capacity building support to organizations to improve their administrative skills to partner successfully with US partner.
Cui Prodest provides best-fit solutions to policy makers, citizen leaders, and elected representatives. We believe that political dynamics profoundly affect the effectiveness and impact of development and investment. Our team has pioneered integrated and inclusive approaches in environments affected by conflict, state fragility, corruption, violent extremism and humanitarian crises.
Current and Past Activities
USAID/Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Center/Bulgaria and Romania (2022). Conducted a political economy analysis to assess issues of civil society, rule of law, human rights, corruption, media, and governance to support future USAID programming in the Eastern Europe.
USAID/Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Center/Guyana (2021). Conducted a political economy analysis of Guyana to develop a strategy to advance DRG goals and inform integrated development approaches. Examined political dynamics and power structures in institutions and recommended investments for supporting Guyana’s transformation to an extractives-based economy that will bring unprecedented wealth and security challenges.
International Management Group in Kosovo; North Macedonia (current). Support expansion of digital programming in support of open, secure and inclusive digital ecosystems that advance transparency, empower anti-corruption change agents and provide equitable access to underserved communities, strengthen commitment through advocacy. Lead development of a technology governance system and introduce new technology within context of national IT infrastructure; identify all capacity gaps. Build capacity of the Assembly of Kosovo, Ministry of Justice, private sector and civil society organizations; training in concepts of judicial management, best practices of automation, case processing and reducing case backlogs, budgeting, developing “book of court rules.” Manage complex data collection and assess processes of collection and conversion. Design and implement change management strategies to prepare personnel for change. Enhance access to public information for journalists, civil society and citizens.
USAID/Rule of Law IQC/Subcontractor to Chemonics International. Supported the development of rule of law, court administration reform and promotion and protection of human rights. Designed strategic communications strategies and media relations training.
USAID Instability Crisis and Recovery Program (ICRP) IQC/Subcontractor to MSI. Designed effective community-based solutions to address the core causes of conflict in fragile states and crisis situations. Provided technical support to South Sudan for capacity building trainings, conflict management and mitigation, early warning assessment.
USAID Building Recovery and Reform Through Democratic Governance (BRDG)IQC/Subcontractor to MSI. Following civil wars and conflicts, provided short-term consulting and technical assistance, training services, applied research, workshops, conferences, and administered grants to local partners.
Cui Prodest provides these services:
Democracy-building programming in non-permissive environments (NEPs)
Public sector management and decentralization
Rule of Law
Anti-corruption and budget transparency
Civil society strengthening and citizen participation strategies
Organizational analysis and change management